Please join us in remembering Marge Niblock
Raconteur, Artist, Friend, and so much more
When: April 1, 2024
5:30 PM: Walk her neighborhood collecting pennies and other found treasures.
6:00 PM: Meet up at Jerome’s Bar (223 Congress St.) to swap stories. Cash bar.
Walking Route:
- We will gather at the monument at the foot of Congress St. and depart promptly at 5:30.
- Walk up Congress St. to Howard St.
- Turn Right on Howard and walk to Quebec St.
- Wave to 49 Quebec St. and continue to North St.
- Turn Left on North St. and walk to Congress St.
- Turn Right on Congress and walk down the hill, toward downtown. Jerome’s will be just across Washington Ave.
- We will walk rain or shine. If the weather is horrendous, just plan to meet at Jerome’s.